Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

St. Mary's 75th Anniversary and Mother's Day Cheektowaga NY 2017

Bishop Gregory gives his blessing to the parish altar servers to vest.
Assisting Bishop Gregory with vesting.
Assisting Bishop Gregory with vesting.
Fr Thomas completes the Proskomedia.
Bishop Gregory is greeted with the traditional gifts of bread and salt.
Fr Thomas presents His Grace with the parish Hand Cross.
Fr Thomas receives the blessing to start Divine Liturgy.
The Great Censing.
Bishop Gregory prays at the Throne.
The Epistle Reading.
At the High Place.
The Gospel Reading.
Bishop Gregory offers the homily.
Bishop Gregory blesses a new icon.
The Final Blessing.
Bishop Gregory with those who presented him with flowers.
The Grand Banquet.
Fr. James Dutko, Dean of the Southern Tier Deanery offers words of congratulations.