Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Fr Myron's 50th Anniversary As Pastor of Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel of Akron, Ohio (10-22-17)

His Grace Bishop Gregory visits Akron, OH for a five-fold celebration:

- Fr. Myron Zuder's 50th Anniversary as Pastor of St. Mary Church (1967-2017)
- Fr. Myron's 55th Anniversary of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood, (October 7, 1962)
- Father Myron and Pani Dolores' 55th Anniversary of Marriage, (Sept 1, 1962)
- Father Myron's 80th Birthday (August 14)
- The Ordination to Sub-Diaconate of Gregory Zuder by His Grace, Bishop Gregory
David Zuder presents bread & salt to His Grace
Father Zuder presents Cross to Bishop Gregory
Sub-Deacon Gregory Zuder washes hands of Bishop Gregory after being ordained as Sub-Deacon.
Father Fedornock incenses the church.
Gary Zuder chants the Epistle.
Father Polanichka reading the Gospel.
Father Zuder distributes the Eucharist.
Sub-Deacon Gregory listens to Bishop’s exhortation
Attending priests with Bishop Gregory.
Faithful at Liturgy
Father Myron and Pani Dolores - 55 Years of marriage
Sister Anastasia joins the faithful of the parish in receiving antidoron from Bishop Gregory.
Father Myron and Son Sub-Deacon Gregory
A lighter moment for Pani Dolores.
Presentation of flowers to Bishop Gregory by the Zuder granddaughters.