Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of the Very Rev. Fr. Robert Buczak

June 20, 2004
The Very Rev. Archdeacon Robert Buczak, Intones His Final Petition As Deacon.
The Grace Divine Which Fills That Which is Imperfect Ordains The Most-Pius Deacon Robert to the Holy Priesthood.
Metropolitan Nicholas bestows the Gold Pectoral Cross Upon the Newly Ordained Priest Robert.
Fr. Robert Receives the Most Precious Blood Of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ, For the First Time As A Priest.
Fr. Robert Reverences the Hand of Metropolitan Nicholas as He Encircles the Altar Table During the Singing of "O Holy Martyrs..." .
Metropolitan Nicholas Exhorts the Newly Ordained Priest, The Very Robert Buczak, to Shepherd Well the Flock That Is Being Entrusted to Him.
Newly Ordained Priest Robert, Receive the Most Precious Body of Our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ, Preserve it Unblemished Until the Second Coming.
Prayer of Ordination
AXIOS! AXIOS! AXIOS! Metropolitan Nicholas Vests the Newly Ordained Priest in the Priestly Stole.
Metropolitan Nicholas is Greeted in the Narthex By the Very Rev. Frank P. Miloro, Cathedral Dean at the Beginning of the Hierarchichal Divine Liturgy
Metropolitan Nicholas Exchanges the Kiss of Peace With Fr. Robert.